The Next Chapter, The 108, and Rebooting Project Management
Apr 14, 2018Hello Friends!
You may have been wondering where I've been the last several months (or maybe not!).
I finished up my 2.5 year consulting contract stint at the end of February, and chose to take 3 whole months off (could be more, we'll see) to focus on creating my business. Time will tell if I continue consulting for a while longer. But for now, I've been doing some serious traveling (Thailand, Laos, Kodiak, LA, and NYC is next!), a little dreaming, lots of walking, and serious laboring over the business I am creating around project management.
The Good Life Project
This labor of love is in the gestational phase, ready to give birth soon. Really, it's been years in the making. 53 years to be exact. All of the joy, pain, ups, downs, triumphs, tragedies, surprises, twisty turns, roller coaster moments have all been conspiring to bring me right to this spot! And boy, AM I READY. (take a hike fear.)
I joined a conscious business entrepreneur's collective back in January called The 108. The amazingly kind, inspirational and big-hearted person behind this group is Jonathan Fields and his staff of The Good Life Project. Go check out the website: www.goodlifeproject.com to get a solid sense of what kind of people I'm walking this entrepreneur journey with. Better yet, you can discover exactly what I've got myself into by visiting http://www.goodlifeproject.com/the108/.
Basically I get to immerse with 107 other entrepreneurs in various stages of their businesses, trading expertise and knowledge, learning from experts, and studying deep, relevant mastermind workshops on everything from Ethical Influence in Selling to Creating Your Manifesto.
By now, I hope you are asking "WTF? Kelly - what ARE you doing exactly?"
Those of you who know me well know that I LOVE project management. Who doesn't like to organize really ambiguous jumbled messes, working with and directing crazy people all day? Ok -probably not everyone likes to do that. But I do.
I also have spent my career mentoring, coaching and facilitating other project managers, and other people I like, to level up and pursue excellence. My business will focus on that - helping project managers (and interested business professionals who want to come along for the ride) navigate their project management world, both from an internal alignment and a tactical "how to" perspective. I'm rebooting how we think about being successful in project management, and taking it deeper. I've got a few other ideas, too, that I'm working on with nonprofits and entrepreneurs. But for now - my focus will be to build an online community of project management and business professionals, and see where we can get - together.
Take a deep dive.
I've spent a lot of time in recent weeks taking a deep dive into the pain and suffering of other project managers, and believe that all of the long hours I've put into interviewing and collecting information, in addition to my own pain story, is helping me create solutions that will not only assist those wanting to expand into a higher level of excellence and project management career development, but more importantly, will help bring individuals into a place of internal alignment and balance.
So, thank you for waiting for me. I've been quiet for a while, and now I'm ready to surface and do this together with all of you. You are the key. You are part of the catalyst.
I'm in a continual experimentation loop, open to your ideas and feedback. So shout it out. I want it - all of it. I have put together a private Facebook group soon to get conversations, problem solving, networking, and encouragement going with you in a more intimate setting - everything a community of like-minded people might want and need if they were going to spend their precious time there.
Please share this Facebook group with your project management friends and aficionados, and stay tuned for more developments, insights, and sharing. Also, I invite you to post and share relevant things to this page you think will encourage others in the journey.
This is about mutuality after all. Learning from each other.
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