
Project Management Rebooted™ | Project Management 101 - You Need a Plan project management project planning projectmanagementrebooted Nov 07, 2019

Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Someone hands you a project to set up and get going - something where the end result is a service, product or other tangible outcome for the benefit of clients, customers or other stakeholders.

Of course, one of the first things you’re going to do is sit down with ...

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Project Management Rebooted™ | 5 Best Meeting Practices: Quit wasting your stakeholders’ time meetings project management best practices project management tools Oct 24, 2019

Ever feel like you might want to bang your head against the wall if you have to sit in one more disorganized, messy, non-productive meeting? 😫 


Been part of a meeting recently where everything but the agenda topics were discussed? 😒 


Have you been asked to attend a meeting where you realized...

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Project Management Rebooted™ | Cultivate Your Beneficial Stakeholders project management project management training stakeholder management Aug 26, 2018

Hold onto your ever-changing, multi-faceted Project Management gardening hat. 

More Stakeholder insect archetypes have been identified.

Blame it on the wildfire smoke filling our usually clear and pristine skies here in Seattle.  Or better yet, blame it on the glaring need for focusing on the posi...

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Project Management Rebooted™ | Dealing with Crazed Stakeholders project management project management training stakeholder management May 09, 2018

Remember a project where you had a couple of special stakeholders who sucked up so much of your time and energy, you had to pour in countless extra hours to get the work done, not to mention the added expense of special project manager detox therapy and a 4-week vacation somewhere quiet and relaxing...

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Project Management Rebooted™ | Does Project Team Dysfunction Have to Spell Disaster? five dysfunctions of a team patrick lencioni project management best practices project management leadership project team Apr 14, 2018

You're sitting in your second weekly project team meeting as part of your new assignment as project manager on a year-long, high-visibility project.

You've asked for input and opinion from the project team on several key issues - issues that are alive with a painful amount of high risk and big impa...

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Project Management Rebooted™ | Project Management for the Self project management best practices project management leadership project manager Apr 14, 2018

For those of you with project management blood running through your veins, have you ever stopped to think about how you might go about project managing yourself? (Or maybe how you don’t!)

Planning your vacations, your family events like birthdays, family reunions, weddings, parties, etc, - hopefull...

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Project Management Rebooted™ | Plan. Then Let Go. project management leadership project planning best practices project team best practices Apr 14, 2018

Have you ever planned something — an event or a project, and then got so attached to the outcome and the sequence of events (aka agenda), you held on too tightly and controlling, causing you to completely miss the opportunity to allow others to show up and contribute?  Your over-zealous planning smo...

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Project Management Rebooted™ | Freedom Beyond Safety project management career Apr 14, 2018

The seat-back information cards on my flight from Seattle to Anchorage a few weeks ago were juxtaposed just so. The words practically jumped off the cards and onto my lap, eager to deliver a message of direction and hope to my project management career and my new business I was starting.


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